Wed, Oct 10 '12, 23:27
Advertising Our Booru?
It occurred to me, one day, while browsing the web that, while this site is seeing a lot more registered members, we could still be doing more to get our name out there.
I might be jumping the gun but does anyone have any suggestions for spreading awareness of the site? Maybe asking artist's like Suechan or Sleepymaid to link us or even people on DA entranced? We probably have a lot of options I just don't realize so I thought it would be best to get the communities opinion. Please, tell me what you think.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 05:58
If we become TOO mainstream, we'll turn into something like the collective, where everyone posts all their sh*t. We don't want a flood of low quality work. It would put more pressure on our gracious moderators, as well. I think its best to just leave the site for people who want it enough to find it themselves. Just my humble opinion.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 06:24
Well, we're not an exclusive club, either. Getting more visitors isn't a bad thing. It opens the door for poor quality work, but if worst comes to worst I can add more moderators. Don't get me wrong, I like the relative calm we have here, but I think getting more visitors is what all good sites want, right? We have almost 200 registered users already. I wouldn't mind seeing how many we can get.

I think most of the members we currently have came from Hypnochan. Vanndril also advertised on the collective at the same time we posted on Hypnochan. I know there are other hypnosis-themed websites out there, but I'm not sure which ones we could advertise on.
Mon, Oct 15 '12, 02:49
While I like new content, I don't want to have to dig through 10 bad images to get 1 good one, y'know? Anyway, you have a very valid point, and its really just a matter of opinion. And this site being partially yours, I respect your opinion.

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