Thu, Jun 20 '13, 21:13
Manipping Contest on DA
So yeah, there's actually been a manipping contest going on the in Hypno-Manipulations group for about 5 days now. It's holiday themed and ends on July first.

The winner gets admin privileges in the group.

I might enter but I'm not entirely certain if I want to win. Anyway I'll post the link here for those who might be interested.

Thu, Jun 20 '13, 22:59
Wow... what a prize...
Fri, Jun 21 '13, 01:24
Lol, don't be mean, Mindwipe. It's more than what we've ever offered. :P
Fri, Jun 21 '13, 01:33
Well, we've never had a contest, either... But a mod position isn't a prize, it's something you apply for because you want to help out. At its best it's nothing special, and at its worst it's work you don't get paid for. Who would want to "win" more responsibility?

Doesn't really matter to me, anyway, since I'm not interested in entering. Just an observation.
Fri, Jun 21 '13, 02:43
While that's all very true and it's probably not the best way to chose an admin; they're still trying to be active and engage their members and others in certain activities (dull as they may be).

I just think we should take our own chance at something like a contest before slighting someone else's attempt without giving them due understanding. I mean, that might be all they have right now.
Wed, Jun 26 '13, 16:35
I'd certainly love to see a contest by you guys.

I've been getting some relatively meager response to contests lately - largely because I haven't got much in the way of prize money to offer at present. If anyone can pull off a contest these days, it'd be you guys... and I'd be happy to spread the word on your behalf.

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