Wed, Oct 10 '12, 08:17
Tag Discussion/Requests/Suggestions
As we all know, tags are what make boorus work. With that in mind, this topic will be used to request new tags, suggest changes to old tags, and weigh community opinion on these requests/suggestions, with the intention of making it easier to find what you're looking for on the booru.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 08:21
I'll start us off with a new tag request.
Like I said in the comments, I'm thinking of creating a tag for this expression, but I'm not sure what to call it. My best idea was "wonderment". Any other ideas?

A lot of Kaa pics use this kind of expression.

Edit: It seems a lot of pics with this expression are tagged with "expressionless". That doesn't seem right... Does it? O.o
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 16:54
I recommend renaming "huge_breasts" to something a little less huge or at least splitting the tag into two separate categories. Since you guys seem to really like E-Hentai might I recommend their standard which is big_breasts? If you wanted to use the Japanese tag, kyonyuu. "huge_breasts" to me sounds like bakunyuu/爆乳, breasts which aren't just larger than average (and thus large) but are WAAAAAAAAAY larger than average (like, ridiculously so). I see a lot of images on this booru being tagged "huge_breasts" but the women are only C or D cup. I think it's because you have large/big/whatever breasts aliased into huge_breasts and I personally think that's a mistake. Some examples follow.

Large but not huge:

Indeed huge:

Obviously pictures like 392 and 398 should not both be in the same breast size category. Thus, I'd recommend de-aliasing big_breasts to feed into huge_breasts and I'd recommend either a) swapping them around, so now huge_breasts aliases into big_breasts or else b) split the category into two.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 19:25
Yeah... I'm not sure how we arrived at "huge breasts" for the alias. I even mentioned this to Vanndril before. Normally, if we're not sure what to use, we go with whatever Gelbooru uses, which is "large breasts" in this case. I personally think that sounds better.

So, do you guys think we should just change all instances of "huge breasts" into "large breasts", or should we have both "huge breasts" and "large breasts" tags?

I'll go remove the aliases we currently have. I'll make the new ones once we figure out if we're keeping or removing "huge breasts".
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 20:33
I already weighed in above but I'll clarify my vote again:

I would vote for having two tags. One tag handles large but not extraordinarily large breasts and is called large_breasts, big_breasts, whatever. The second tag handles only extraordinarily large breasts and is called huge_breasts, enormous_breasts, mega_breasts, whatever. ;p

If you call them all "large breasts," I think you'll upset people who are fans of the planet-sized boobs since when they click the tag they'll see predominantly normal-sized (even if still large) breasts. And if you call them all "huge breasts," well, that's the problem I was speaking about in the first place. ^^; It seems dumb to call boobs "huge" when clearly they're not huge at all, they're just big and shapely.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 20:44
I forgot about it soon after Mindwipe mentioned this to me. :P

I've seen places that tag for different size breasts, so I'm for having 2 tags.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 21:22
Yeah, I'll vouch for two different tags.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 21:25
lol "planet-sized_boobs" would be a hilarious tag. XD

Alright, we'll use 2 tags. Now, one last question so we'll know which ones to edit: what should constitute "huge breasts"? Does boob size > head size work?
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 21:37
large_breasts = smaller than head
huge_breasts = larger than head
This is the standard Danbooru uses, and I think it works pretty well.
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 21:54
Alright, that works for me. I'll get to changing the tags in a bit, if no one beats me to it.

Glad to see this thread working. ^^
Wed, Oct 10 '12, 22:35
Changes made. If I screwed up anywhere (missed one that should have been changed or changed one that shouldn't have been) please correct it for me. There were several cases where I just wasn't sure which to use.

Also, I found a few more child posts we didn't need. Two birds, one stone. ^^
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 03:17
On the topic of breast enlargement, 1) do we have a standardized tag for it yet? and 2) would you tag something which makes explicit reference to the fact that the subject's breasts have grown in size but which itself does not visually depict such a transformation happening? For example, http://hypno.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1117 ?
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 03:32
I think "breast_expansion" is the standard tag for it. Your second part is a bit harder to answer. In THAT pic, I would say no. I think the artist's intent with that image is just that Misty grew up and so did her boobs (I think the artist may have said something to that effect on the comments of the dA page before it was removed). If it was something like a text manip, where it directly mentioned the subject's breasts getting larger... Well, I'm torn on that. There was a text manip I saw recently that was tagged with "masturbation" just because it was mentioned in the text. I *personally* wouldn't tag it if it's not in the pic, but I'm kinda biased as I don't care much about text manips in general.
Thu, Oct 11 '12, 03:36
sctoagn said:
On the topic of breast enlargement, 1) do we have a standardized tag for it yet? and 2) would you tag something which makes explicit reference to the fact that the subject's breasts have grown in size but which itself does not visually depict such a transformation happening? For example, http://hypno.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1117 ?

We do actually have a tag for that, it's "breast expansion."

Edit: Ah, Mindwipe beat me to it.
Sat, Oct 20 '12, 23:14
Suggesting somebody with admin privileges who (I presume) can mass-tag a slew of images should go through and tag all of the Disney images with a "disney" tag.

I would suggest the same thing be done with Western art (so that those of us who don't like Western images could filter them out) but I guess I'll ask first what you guys think and if you think a corresponding "eastern" or "anime" or whatever tag would be appropriate for the clearly Japanese-style drawings. I would be more than okay with an "eastern" or whatever tag on all those images if it meant the Western ones were tagged "western" and I could just mass filter them out.
Sun, Oct 21 '12, 00:18
You would be wrong about the mass-tagging thing. ^^ We're really no different than regular users when it comes to tags. We have to tag each image individually. Not to mention we'd have to search every Disney movie, series, character that's been uploaded so far to do that (and the same with things like Nintendo, Capcom, etc.). So, I can't really be much help there.

As for the Western tag thing, I'm reminded of when someone made the same kind of suggestion on Hypnochan. The thing is, there are plenty of Western artists with anime art styles, and plenty of pics that don't fit firmly in one category or the other. I certainly understand your suggestion, I just don't know that there's an easy way to implement it. (And plus there's the same problem of not being able to mass-tag images.)
Sun, Oct 21 '12, 01:06
Mindwipe said:
You would be wrong about the mass-tagging thing. ^^ We're really no different than regular users when it comes to tags. We have to tag each image individually. Not to mention we'd have to search every Disney movie, series, character that's been uploaded so far to do that (and the same with things like Nintendo, Capcom, etc.). So, I can't really be much help there.

Well, you *can* help. You're just saying you don't want to. lol Which brings us to the next bit ...

Mindwipe said:
As for the Western tag thing, I'm reminded of when someone made the same kind of suggestion on Hypnochan. The thing is, there are plenty of Western artists with anime art styles, and plenty of pics that don't fit firmly in one category or the other. I certainly understand your suggestion, I just don't know that there's an easy way to implement it. (And plus there's the same problem of not being able to mass-tag images.)

The problem is, for certain people, Western art or live-action pictures are as repulsive when mixed with hentai as are strawberry jam and beefcake or a glass of milk infused with lime juice and garlic. You might like the things individually but mixing them together is just really, really repulsive. So, people like myself have three choices:
- bitch
- block
- leave
I asked about Solution #2 but you're suggesting you don't want to implement it. Which brings me to either #1 or #3. #1 is pretty petulant so I'd probably just do #3. That's fine and all as far as I'm concerned. But I just thought I'd let you know. I feel this way, and I'm sure others do too. Whether we're 1%, 10$%, 99% of the userbase or not I have no clue. But I realize you're not telepathic: you won't know these things if nobody speaks up about them, so I'm politely speaking up. I don't like Western cartoon porn and not having a reliable way to block it out of my Booru experience is driving me to consider leaving the booru.
Sun, Oct 21 '12, 01:26
sctoagn said:
Well, you *can* help. You're just saying you don't want to.

No, what I'm saying is, I'm not MORE capable of helping than anyone else. I can tag any Disney pics I see with "disney", but so can anyone else.

As for the other thing, like I said, I understand your suggestion, but what do we label as Western art? If it was drawn by a Western artist? If it LOOKS Western? And if the latter, what LOOKS Western?
Sun, Oct 21 '12, 02:33
Mindwipe said:
I understand your suggestion, but what do we label as Western art? If it was drawn by a Western artist? If it LOOKS Western? And if the latter, what LOOKS Western?

If it looks Western, of course. Just like with loli and how what matters isn't the calendar age but how she looks, so too do I think common sense informs us that it doesn't matter what the nationality of the artist is but rather what style they are invoking. I think it's a bit silly to suggest we all can't common sense tell the difference between the West's typical Hanna-Barbera, Disney, Nickelodeon, or Cartoon Network-style or "western"-style animation and its significantly rarer anime-influenced or "eastern"-style animation. Something like Avatar: the Last Airbender or the rebooted Thundercats, people can debate. Something like the Simpsons, Futurama, Scooby Doo, or Fred Flintstone, I think is a pretty open-and-shut case. So yes, you're right that there are going to be things which push the boundaries of such definitions, but that doesn't make the definitions worthless or inappropriate. Life is all about categorization and discerning what category something does or does not go into.

The other thing is, with a booru, you have the benefit of everyone being able to tag. If somebody tags something as Western and someone else disagrees, they can discuss the issue. Or, less civilly, they can get into a tagging war, someone will EVENTUALLY notice, and at that time the staff can settle the matter.

Most of the stuff which straddles the line is the DeviantArt stuff you guys are fond of. Sleepymaid, Surakuranon, that sort of stuff. Stuff that pulls equally from Western and Eastern influences. But I'm not concerned about those things being difficult to label. I'm more concerned for the time being about the stuff which is obviously Western.

The problem with leaving the solution at the level of the individual franchises and asking us to add them to a banlist one at a time is that it's eye rape every time a new franchise that isn't yet on the banlist pops up. I have to go to the banlist and add Aladdin today. Then I have to go there and add The Sword in the Stone tomorrow. Then I have to go and add KimPossible on Monday. And Avengers on Tuesday. And Teen Titans on Wednesday. And so on. Every single time. The very act of even having to look these franchises up and type in their names ... for someone who doesn't even like the look of them, that's like saying you don't like the smell of shit and so in order to quit smelling it you need to open wide and swallow a spoonful first. I'd rather just leave. Wouldn't you? But if these things were appropriately tagged "western" the moment they were uploaded, problem solved. So long as people quit being lazy with tagging, that is. Uploader laziness with tagging is one reason the whole thing might not work anyway and why I may just have to hang up my own towel as far as being a part of a booru which permits Western-style or cartoon porn goes. But I'd like to believe that most uploaders would at least tag their stuff as "western" if we started encouraging the use of such a tag.
Sun, Oct 21 '12, 02:50
If it's just stuff like Disney, Matt Groenig, Nickelodeon, and other Western series, then I think that's fair enough. We could start using a "western" tag for those cases. But, as I'm sure you can guess, it'll take time. There's a lot of images to go through and only so many hours in the day. I'll need the community's help, too. There's no way I could do this all by myself. And, of course, it'll probably take a while for people to get used to tagging "western". Hell, some people still haven't grasped dom/sub tags or that we tag full names instead of just first names.

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