Wed, May 22 '13, 08:40
If you found someone new to the hypnofetish,
Who would you send them to to see pics? I mean artists, not photographers or blogs or anything. XDDD

Personally, I'd send 'em to sleepmaid XD
'Cause I sure as hell can't explain it XDDD
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:47
I'd send them to Sleepymaid, but I'd be afraid the "alternative" stuff would freak them out. XD

Honestly, I'd just send them here and tell them to search for whatever they want. No need to restrict them to a single artist.
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:48
lol. Fair enough
But if they asked for artist sugestions?

I'm trying to figure out which artists that actually draw this stuff would be a good option >> Granted, I don't really know of many..... I can only think of 4 XD
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:54
Suechan does good entry-level stuff, and so does Shadowednavi. There's always Jimryu, unless you have an aversion to watermarks and copy/pasted bodies. Shono's a good choice.

I guess it depends on how deep you wanna submerge the hypothetical person in the fetish. I could probably sit here and name artist all night. :P
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:55
I did what Mindwipe mentioned to my girlfriend (pointed to the booru). I immediately got her hooked on the fetish. :P

As for artists? I probably wouldn't send em to an artist at all, but rather just show em good example pics.

If they asked specifically for artists? I'd probably go with Sleepymaid AFTER warning them that there IS some futa/alternative stuff.
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:56
I have a friend that wants me to EXPLAIN it to her... >>
That just... wut?

And lol. The only four I caould think of were Shono, Suechan, Sleepymaid and Kaztle or katzle, I can never remember XD Lol.
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:59
If you don't know how to explain it, then you can't explain it.
I'd give you a script or something, but it's easiest to explain when they can ask questions and you can otherwise judge their reactions.

When I explain it, though, I usually explain that it's the ultimate sort of control, with the viewer at either end in fantasy.
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:59
Lol true.
I linked her here... Should be interesting >>
Apparently she's written smut before, so I'm pretty sure this site won't be too much for her XDD
Wed, May 22 '13, 09:01
Hey, it worked for other people I know. :P
I've gotten numerous friends over the years into this fetish just by linking them shit. XD
Wed, May 22 '13, 09:04
lmao. Nice.
Wed, May 22 '13, 16:49
Anybody forgot Rosvo? ^^
He doesn't do stuff like Sleepy but his work is also pretty nice (I'm in his club lolxD) :)
Same counts for Fitzoblong
Wed, May 22 '13, 23:06
Speaking of Rosvo, I still wish he'd give us another shot. <.<
I expected that from Jim, not Ros. >.>
* pokes at Rosvo, hoping he's lurking here even if he doesn't post *
Wed, May 22 '13, 23:28
Maybe he's busy with something :/
Maybe he'll comment here to show he's still listening to his followers ^^
Thu, May 23 '13, 00:34
Why not just make a small assortment? It's easy as copying a bunch of URLs, pasting them all together on, and there you go, shareable album with custom title and layout.
Thu, May 23 '13, 01:05
Probably becase he has his dA and that's good enough for him.
Thu, May 23 '13, 07:33
Yeah Rosvo's busy with a new project...So keep calm and buy his club membership! :)
Thu, May 23 '13, 09:00
I'll pass on that, thanks. ;)
Thu, May 23 '13, 09:08
Mindwipe said:
I'll pass on that, thanks. ;)

'Cause you broke, son!

...but I am, too. :/
Thu, May 23 '13, 19:10
It say tell em to hit up Suechan that's actually where i started ^^

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