Wed, May 22 '13, 08:39
Not enough pendlums crystals or pocketwatches
Title says it all >.< If you guys got pics for those tags post them please <3
Wed, May 22 '13, 08:45
What, the 592 pendulum pics already here not doing it for ya? :P
Wed, May 22 '13, 09:01
Enough is NEVER enough!

Unfortunately, for all my giant collection of hypnoporn, I pretty much uploaded anything of quality involving pendulums that I have, so...
Wed, May 22 '13, 14:35
There's always manips. :P Get in the game Rainheart!
Wed, May 22 '13, 18:22
get in the game? sounds like an EA slogan ^^
Wed, May 22 '13, 22:16
I thought EA's slogan was "Give us more money".
Wed, May 22 '13, 23:08
What? No, Mindwipe. EA's slogan was "Give us all teh money."
Wed, May 22 '13, 23:16
Or maybe it was "Give me your wallet, bitch!". Sadly, EA seems a bit less evil in the face of the XBox One reveal.

On topic, I still need more pendulum props. I've only got 2 that I like, and they don't work with everything.
Wed, May 22 '13, 23:41
as long as we dont have every TV/compy monitor screen hypno have the EA logo on it... i think i can live with out the watches and crystals rofl
Thu, May 23 '13, 00:30
Mindwipe said:
Sadly, EA seems a bit less evil in the face of the XBox One reveal.

In fact, I think EA sounds all the more evil: XBOX One is EA Sports, TV, social crap, more kinect and mid-end specs (which will at some point become low end). If EA made a console it would be similar to this.

Let's not forget that one GUI is certainly fit enough for tablets, PCs, phones, and now consoles. Also, why name it "One"... for me "XBOX One" sounds like the old XBOX...

On topic, what about creating a watch/pendant PNG and pasting it on top of the vast collection of empty_eyes on all the boorus, lol.

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