Sun, May 12 '13, 09:29
Little HTML experiment (dA MC pics viewer)
So, my girlfriend asked me if there were MC pics on dA, because she was a bit shy to post any, even if she's using an alternate account as of now (which I mentioned her...).

Are there any MC pics on dA? Of course there are! So I wanted her to see the sheer amount of it, even if some spell "quantity" louder than "quality". I just wanted to give her a big list.

A few moments later I had a big bunch of URLs on a .txt file. It may have been enough, but it's kinda sucky. So I ran some regexps on the file and turned the URLs into HTML links.

But then I thought: I have been coding PHP lately, which I'm hating. I wanted some javascript fun! So I added a few more tags and a sprinkle of CSS, and a list of HTML links became a "MC pics viewer".

What it does: you open the HTML (which contains links only), and through javascript magic it creates a list of thumbnails too. Then, you click on a thumbnail and it opens the image in big resolution at the right, and if you click that image you can toggle between "auto-scale" and "let me scroll it in 100% zoom".

It's just a simple thing but since I made it I thought, why not post it here? :)

You can view it live hosted here:

But you can also download it, it's a single .html file that you can put on your computer, there's no attached images :D (these are aquired from deviantART's servers when you open the HTML).

Here's the HTML file stand-alone:
(And non-messed-with, as adds some things like Google Analytics tracking code. You may prefer this version.)

This also means that if you replace the URL list in the <nav> section, you can use it to show other URLs of your preference (as long as they're dA URLs - will also work) in the same fashion.

P.S.: PHP sucks big time. <3 javascript.
Sun, May 12 '13, 09:31
By the way, I tested it only on Chrome. It should work on all good browsers, but if you're using IE I can only offer my condolences.
Sun, May 12 '13, 15:37
Is it supposed to leave 3/4ths of the screen blank? Could you maybe try centering it if so? The massive wall of whitespace to the right bothers me.

This is on Firefox, if that matters.
Sun, May 12 '13, 19:01
It is pretty dang cool to see the list like that all in one spot and glad it's low-res and clicks in to the gallery as nothing bothers me more than remote linking a dA pic in a place where the viewer cannot vote or comment (given that karma is the only way to climb the search listings and be found on dA >.>).

Happy that Dark Desires comic was on there and that there was such a large variety of artists.

I hope your girlfriend posts more often.

I know getting Shadowednavi to post her stuff on dA can be a war of attrition at times. With her it feels like there are 3 categories of pictures: Private commissions which never get posted anywhere (I'd say the majority) - Personal Art and Commissions which DO get posted somewhere but she doesn't feel comfortable putting them on dA - Ones which go on dA.

The dilution factor really keeps a lot of great pictures from ever being seen by anyone.
Sun, May 12 '13, 23:35
People who use IE on their own will...wonder where the 'any key' is.. That had to be said ;) Nice list btw :)

Windows: More blue-screens than the sky
Mon, May 13 '13, 06:41
Thanks for the replies! Both on this HTML thingy as on kinkyloli's drawing.

Alien said:
Is it supposed to leave 3/4ths of the screen blank? Could you maybe try centering it if so? The massive wall of whitespace to the right bothers me.

This depends on the picture. When you load it, it will default to "auto-scale" the images. So if the image is thin and vertical, then making it fit in a screen (especially if it's wide) will necessarily introduce whitespace. If you click in the image in the right, it will toggle that, and you'll be able to view it in 100% zoom instead (and have to scroll if it doesn't fit). Images smaller than the view area will not be scaled up - I didn't knew how to do it in CSS and was too lazy to do it in javascript.

(and I just checked and it works right in Firefox, just a bit slower than Chrome for some reason. In Opera it runs actually faster than Chrome, which surprises me, but the CSS auto-scaling seems to be unsupported.)

bellchan said:
nothing bothers me more than remote linking a dA pic in a place where the viewer cannot vote or comment.

Yes, this is the reason why I hate tumblr - so many awesome, interesting posts, so little attribution and respect for the actual creators.

bellchan said:
I hope your girlfriend posts more often.

I'm trying to convince her to! :) She certainly will eventually, but she might post something else first (like just a girl being bound and dominated, without MC - she likes that too). There are also MC drawings she made but didn't want to post out of shyness and lack of confidence on how these came out :(

bellchan said:
I know getting Shadowednavi to post her stuff on dA can be a war of attrition at times.

Maybe "war of attention" too :) My girlfriend usually posts and takes commissions on another account where her drawings are very tame and cute (and according to a poll she made, popular among pre-/teen girls mostly). From that to hentai it's a big leap, and sometimes she just wants to draw "something sexy", besides the fact that she doesn't have much experience with it.

Comments do cheer her up, so again thanks to all who have commented on the booru or on her dA page.

Anno1404 said:
Windows: More blue-screens than the sky

Ah, they're getting better. They have heard the voice of the people and have invested heavily in BSOD look-and-feel: http://blog-imgs-31-origin.fc2.c...dharma/1109152013_1_1.png
(lol. By the way, what's up with naming that error "NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" instead of "GREATER_THAN"...).
Mon, May 13 '13, 07:06
Stem_Cell said:
bellchan said:
I know getting Shadowednavi to post her stuff on dA can be a war of attrition at times.

Maybe "war of attention" too :)

God, if it were a war of attention I'd never get anything art related or otherwise. *sulks in a dark corner while the artist does her art things and I do the housework*
Mon, May 13 '13, 11:01
bellchan said:
*sulks in a dark corner while the artist does her art things and I do the housework*

Haha, this made me laugh a bit! But I do love to do some cooking :D

Mon, May 13 '13, 23:18
Ah, they're getting better. They have heard the voice of the people and have invested heavily in BSOD look-and-feel: http://blog-imgs-31-origin.fc2.c...dharma/1109152013_1_1.png
(lol. By the way, what's up with naming that error "NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL" instead of "GREATER_THAN"...).

In the developer version it was green for a short period xD
I even read in a forum about somebody planning an 'pornOS' based on Linux with favs in the browser and some download tools..Wonder what happened :D
Tue, May 14 '13, 18:58
Anno1404 said:
I even read in a forum about somebody planning an 'pornOS' based on Linux with favs in the browser and some download tools..Wonder what happened :D

They had too much job in their hand :D

Also, any OS is a fully-qualified porn OS.
Tue, May 14 '13, 23:24
What a poor poor world...Macs mostly used for Video production...You could have a gamer Windows computer for that money...
Wed, May 15 '13, 15:07
Anno1404 said:
What a poor poor world...Macs mostly used for Video production...You could have a gamer Windows computer for that money...

We shouldn't judge, I mean, there are scat fetishists, IE users and Mac fans. OS X is certainly very polished. But it's too much of a price IMO... Not to mention the closed mentality and policies, and the fact that you can run a hackintosh if you want Mac that much.

Also, the fact that the iPoop devices come closed-down by default and don't let you choose what to do with it is unforgivable to me. You buy something, it's yours!

Microsoft seems completely deluded too, by trying to shoehorn a tablet into a desktop.
Wed, May 15 '13, 15:55
You also need to fit the keyboard somehow into the system even if some people take it too seriously
but Microsoft might try a improvement with 8.1 Codename 'Blue' ^^
Wed, May 15 '13, 16:42
In fairness I'm pretty sure most IE users are either 60+ years old or on company/school computers. No excuse for Microsoft though.
Fri, May 17 '13, 22:30
Anno1404 said:
but Microsoft might try a improvement with 8.1 Codename 'Blue' ^^

Well, I'm certainly not green with envy for the people that will get this shady update. It's a grey area, but I'd say that this is not the yellow brick road that Red mond thinks it is. Tablets and laptops are like apples and orange. The guys who work with Ballmer can probably see the pink elephant in the room.

Alien said:
In fairness I'm pretty sure most IE users are either 60+ years old or on company/school computers. No excuse for Microsoft though.

That's too optimistic, I knew a guy who worked part time as "web designer" and not only used IE (8!) exclusively, but also only tested his "web designs" in it. The whole situation was shudder-worthy; he also had a high-resolution LCD monitor outputting blurry 1024x768 for no reason, and this monitor was next to the window, being hit by sun all day long. He was also a fervent christian zealot constantly claiming things no one asked about lol.

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