Sun, May 05 '13, 19:09
To all you post translators
I just wanted to throw this out there, for those who will even see it.

Often enough, I'm sure, translating posts here is a thankless job. So, I want to thank anyone who's translated any of the posts in the hypnobooru for your work. I want you to know that your work does not go unnoticed, and it is very much appreciated.

Good job.
Sun, May 05 '13, 22:28
Unfortunately I don't think note history is recorded unless the note has been edited at least twice (?) so it's hard to figure out who's done some of the bigger translations I've seen here.
Mon, May 06 '13, 00:12
Editing a pre-existing note creates note history, yeah. That said, I think I know who translated some of them, thanks to the tag history (going by who added the "translated" tag).

So, yeah, thanks, guys.

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