Sun, May 05 '13, 03:18
Question for you guys
If I were to record my art process and post it on my personal domain [since obviously Youtube isn't possible with the nude images], would anyone actually be interested in watching?
Sun, May 05 '13, 03:58
I've watch artist's live-stream recordings before. I'd be interested in seeing how yours go, definitely.
Sun, May 05 '13, 04:15
Huh. Well, mabe I will then starting with the next non-commission I do =)
No idea what it will be though XD
Sun, May 05 '13, 06:42
I'd definitely be up for that. I love art livestreams. :D
Sun, May 05 '13, 10:26
By the way, my girlfriend recently was looking into live-streaming her drawings, and she recommends a service called "join me" - the software client for it is seemingly very easy to get up and running, just download and run.

(If you're thinking "but they won't allow porn", well, my girlfriend usually visits another artist who draws lolis and the like (in hentai scenarios), and she had no problems (the other artist). But I think it was livestream).
Sun, May 05 '13, 18:45
I'd probably watch a few. Recently, my natural curiosity has gotten the best of me and I've been philosophizing about how one draws. Good art fool the eyes into perceiving things that aren't really there, like shadows and depth in a 2-d image.

...I know, I'm weird. *shrugs*

Your style, as a whole, is rather unique. I've watched you live stream before (and was astounded at your speed, iirc), and I enjoyed it then.
Sun, May 05 '13, 19:59
Stem ::
I damn near never use Livestream. The damn procaster kills my laptop DX Makes it lag so badly, and it's a 2.53ghx pro too DX I already use, and I've streamed adult stuff before, have run into no problems with it.

Vann ::
Lol. Even with RP'ing, I am damn quick. I know =D
I love it.
But chances are, I sacrifice some quality with it >> I honestly have no idea since I can't seem to take the time to slow the fuck down.


If people would actually be interested in watching streams that I do, I would be more than willing to look into getting a pro membership, for the voice aspect, the custom link, etc, for ease. If there's enough interest, that is. I'm not going to look into it for nothing, after all.
Sun, May 05 '13, 22:27
Hmm, I've never actually watched an art livestream but I might watch this :)
Depends on when it is.
Mon, May 06 '13, 02:51
Lunakiri said:
I damn near never use Livestream. The damn procaster kills my laptop DX Makes it lag so badly

And that is the main reason why my girlfriend downloaded and used the join me software instead :)

(Honestly, coding such a software in Adobe AIR in the first place... that thing is as bad or worse than flash in terms of speed...)
Mon, May 06 '13, 06:21
Stem_Cell said:
Lunakiri said:
I damn near never use Livestream. The damn procaster kills my laptop DX Makes it lag so badly

And that is the main reason why my girlfriend downloaded and used the join me software instead :)

(Honestly, coding such a software in Adobe AIR in the first place... that thing is as bad or worse than flash in terms of speed...)

Lol. It is better, by far.
The only downside is the fact that it doesn't record at the same time or whatever. //shrugs.

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