Tue, Apr 30 '13, 22:06
Out of curiosity...
Out of curiosity, why were the Kisakae pics I uploaded removed? Not upset about it, I'd just like to know.
Tue, Apr 30 '13, 22:14
We don't have it in the rules, but Vanndril and I didn't want to allow Kisakae pics, because it sets a bad precedent. Basically, since anybody can create MC-esque pics with it in a matter of seconds, we were afraid that allowing people to post pics from it could result in us getting flooded with pics that, ultimately, are mostly the same.
Tue, Apr 30 '13, 22:17
Ah, gotcha.
Wed, May 01 '13, 01:24
That said, we're a LOT less strict about that kinda stuff on the forums, so if you want to make a thread about that, I don't see a problem. Seeing as at least one thread isn't even remotely MC-related, I don't see one on pics from this program being a problem.
Wed, May 01 '13, 02:56
so wait...the threads we start don't have to be strictly related to MC?
Wed, May 01 '13, 03:00
Correct. Forum threads can be off-topic. :)
Wed, May 01 '13, 11:28
Mindwipe said:
Correct. Forum threads can be off-topic. :)

Aye, though we'd prefer that they at least stay porn-related in some way. Completely "out there" posts would be just silly, considering the point of this site. :P
Wed, May 01 '13, 19:38
Vanndril said:
Aye, though we'd prefer that they at least stay porn-related in some way.

Maybe YOU would. I really don't care. I enjoyed the anime thread from a while back, and the favorite characters thread from before that.
Thu, May 02 '13, 01:43
Mindwipe said:
Maybe YOU would. I really don't care. I enjoyed the anime thread from a while back, and the favorite characters thread from before that.

Close enough to porn related to me. :P

What I meant was that something completely out of the blue, like a "I need life advice" thread, would be awkward. Something that COMPLETELY breaks our theme just wouldn't seem right.

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