Fri, Oct 05 '12, 07:07
Hypnochan Taken Down
Sad news, guys. Hypnochan was apparently taken down due to multiple DMCA complaints. I know there is already discussion going on between some members of the community about making a new one. Hopefully that happens. If/when it does, we'll throw a link in here.

In the meantime, feel free to discuss.
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 07:10
Aye, found the news myself on the hypnochan IRC.
Damned shame, but it's too early to mourn. Let's see how this turns out. Hopefully someone will pick up the mantle.
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 09:30
This has occurred before, has it not?
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 19:42
Shaobody said:
This has occurred before, has it not?

Unless I'm mistaken, it's been completely deleted this time, not just temporarily removed.
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 20:34
Ouch... yeah I was wondering what was going on. I thought it might just be like last time at first, until the reality set in that instead of not being able to connect, it just couldn't be found at all. D: But hell, good thing y'all managed to at least get Hypnobooru up before they got hypnochan.
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 21:34
TBH, so long as you continue the trend of minimal real life material (and zero Western real life material) I think you'll be good. Seems like Hypnochan's problem was always the /IRL/ crowd's desires and rarely if ever the /hyp/ crowd's. That stated, I know you've expressed a desire to welcome people posting more real-life content in the past so ...
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 21:43
Oh, I'm not worried about Hypnobooru being deleted so long as no one posts anything that violates the booru project's ToS (like loli and such, and even then we should get a warning first). What took Hypnochan down was the sharing of western-made videos and hypnosis files. Needless to say, we were never going to allow that material to be posted here, since we knew the trouble it could cause.

As for more real-life material, that won't cause a problem so long as it's not something that's normally locked behind a pay wall.
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 22:18
We alredy have hidden hypnochan.
--Link Removed--
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 22:23
Do not post any links to that. Kthanx.
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 22:33
O_o ???
Fri, Oct 05 '12, 23:14
Sat, Oct 06 '12, 04:00
I used to frequent /hyp/ and /base/ so I'm sad.
Also, there's a hidden hypnochan?!
Sat, Oct 06 '12, 04:07
Yeah, on a shady part of the internet full of child porn and used by criminals.
Sat, Oct 06 '12, 06:23
Aye, that shady part of the internet isn't safe either, despite popular claims.
It's called wishful thinking, but it isn't truth. There is no way to use a WAN and be completely untraceable. At best, all the "hidden" internet does is make them have to put forth a little more effort to find you, so you're basically betting your life on whether or not law enforcement and whatnot are lazy.

From when curiosity got the better of me, I can tell you that hidden hypnochan's content is borderlining the law. It wouldn't take a law major to convince a judge that it's "obscene material", which, yes, is punishable by law in multiple countries to have/view.
Sat, Oct 06 '12, 09:24
This is a huge disappointment, and over DMCA of all things... I hope that more people come to hang out here and #hypnochan, or even rb9's forum, while we wait to see if there'll be a new chan anytime soon.
Sat, Oct 06 '12, 10:49
use the internal network is much safer than the normal use of the tor. Just read about it on Wikipedia.

Mindwipe said:
Yeah, on a shady part of the internet full of child porn and used by criminals.

This is the price of freedom. But the DMCA does not close us.
And at the hidded hypnochan do not have cp

just search "hidden hypnochan" on google, I hope you find something.
and read about tor
PS look at the zero page
Sat, Oct 06 '12, 17:30
The Bottom Line, and a Verdict
And at the hidded hypnochan do not have cp

This statement caught my eye. Out of curiosity (I need to stop giving into my curiosity, it WILL be the death of me), I hunted down HHC and took a look. The /cake/ (irl little girls) board was indeed removed. This makes HHC a MUCH safer place than it was. Rather than the threat of legal action for obscene material AND copyright stuffs, it's now just the copyright stuffs - just like hypnochan used to be way back when, before the first DMCA issue.

This is the first step toward HHC's redemption in my eyes. I still won't go there for my stuff, I still will caution people to be very wary of what they might find and view there, and we (hypnobooru administration) still don't want links to be posted here for it because we don't want to be affiliated in any way, however, even I'll admit that removing /cake/ was a damned good start.

Now, all that said, I want this to be the end of it. I'll leave your above post alone, personally (no promise on what other admins might do), since it's common sense, and since the tor project in and of itself isn't a bad thing, but any further conversation about the hidden hypnochan on the booru will be deleted, and will possibly lead to bannings. It's just not safe for us to be affiliated to something so shady.
Sat, Oct 06 '12, 20:03
I don't often (read: almost never) check the IRC. Is there someone who can keep us updated on any progress being made there? I don't expect a new Hypnochan to pop up in a few days or anything, but I'm curious if anyone has a game plan yet.
Sun, Oct 07 '12, 04:36
Now I'm not schooled in the ways of imageboards or the site being taken down, but is it possible for the owner to still access it and retrieve files (pics) to put up on the booru, or is that just wishful thinking?
Sun, Oct 07 '12, 04:42
Shaobody said:
is it possible for the owner to still access it and retrieve files (pics) to put up on the booru?

Not 100%, but I think I recall someone saying that the entire thing got wiped, so it seems highly likely that everything is gone D: (short of what we saved for ourselves). I still have a bunch of selective stuff, but I hesitate to upload them since I have absolutely no idea who it is that's done what.

Also, is it possible to maybe change the color of quotes? That white is absolutely blinding on a black background. DX

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