Mon, Apr 22 '13, 09:48
Question about Jimryu
I was doing searches for sources and came across this image.

And it reminded me right away of this one:

They're the same design, right down to the weird erect nipple bump.

I've known for a long time that Jim copies bodies from person to person but this is the first I've seen him outright pulling a Greg Land and copying ad-lib.

Does this happen a lot or is it only his really old stuff?
Mon, Apr 22 '13, 19:58
I think something's wrong with your second link. It just takes me to a 403 page.

In any case, I'm not sure if Jimryu copies a lot, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's done it at least once or twice. He wouldn't be the only artist to do so. There was a Rosvo pic on here before the take-down request that was copied wholesale from a Sono Hanabira Ni Kuchiduke Wo CG.
Mon, Apr 22 '13, 20:11
Its a 403 as its trying to direct link to Maybe rehost on another thing to show it off.
Mon, Apr 22 '13, 20:12
I can't really blame them if their images were older ones. As an artist myself (still starting, not very good) I can understand that sometimes you'll find an image that you either love and want to emulate or fits the exact pose/tone/theme/etc. you wanted. So sometimes, you just have to 'eye-trace' it for it to be any good to you. Or laziness, not saying it couldn't have been done out of laziness.

Even experienced artists will go back sometimes to 'tracing' images they find to just to get a kick-start or relearn certain lost knowledge. I often go back to images of clothing because it never looks right, so I'll copy off an existing image to see how to do it right.

Now if they don't give credit for their image they found and/or claim it as their own original work, then it becomes a problem. There's a difference between tracing and using a reference.
Mon, Apr 22 '13, 20:38
Uploaded the second link to my personal website to show off. Sorry about that guys.
Fri, May 03 '13, 03:31
Jimryu's a hack. Just about everything he does has some amount of tracing and/or heavy referencing involved. This is nothing new.
Fri, May 03 '13, 06:45
Hmm... tracing, huh? That makes me wonder if manippers like myself couldn't do something like that to make new manips.
Fri, May 03 '13, 07:07
I guess, but I don't really see what the point would be.

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