Mon, Apr 15 '13, 00:01
General Ideas XD
Yeah. This is just general hypno pic ideas. I find I have like... next to none on average >> So...

Don't be specific regarding characters or anything. Just something like 'Two girls in a bathtub, one having hypnotized the other' or something vague-ish like that =)
If I want more details, I'll ask.

These are not commissions or request though, mind you.
Mon, Apr 15 '13, 23:29
I think we might need some girls with MC helmets^^
New meal at McDonalds: McHelmet xD
Mon, Apr 15 '13, 23:55
Can't go wrong with MC via ear-penetration. Like so:
Really underrated induction method.
Tue, Apr 16 '13, 00:21
On that note, Vorp? I spend a lot of time at movie theatres and couldn't help but think "ear-penetration induced MC" whenever I see Sarah Hyland in the Scary MoVie poster:

Look for the one with the yellow I'M DEAD t-shirt.
Tue, Apr 16 '13, 00:32
I could go for more siren-style hypnosis. A girl hypnotized by another girl's singing.
Tue, Apr 16 '13, 00:36
Mindwipe said:
I could go for more siren-style hypnosis. A girl hypnotized by another girl's singing.

Tue, Apr 16 '13, 04:22
Vorp said:
Can't go wrong with MC via ear-penetration.

Off Topic: I have a dump of things of this nature to post sooner or later. Because I agree - that can be really hot.

On Topic: Love Potions are extremely underrepresented. Probably because it's rather hard to depict in an image without text.
Wed, Apr 17 '13, 00:47
Mindwipe said:
I could go for more siren-style hypnosis. A girl hypnotized by another girl's singing.

Also YES!

Vorp said:
Can't go wrong with MC via ear-penetration.

So that's why I saw more on the booru...I approve. Sometimes it's done in a way where it's more weird than hot but this is more of the hot variety.

Vanndril said:

On Topic: Love Potions are extremely underrepresented. Probably because it's rather hard to depict in an image without text.

I do agree that love potions need to be represented. Granted it's not what I'm into but representation needs to be here!
Wed, Apr 17 '13, 01:35
Vanndril said:
On Topic: Love Potions are extremely underrepresented. Probably because it's rather hard to depict in an image without text.

Huh. I guess it's good that I have a pic in the works that features a potion of sorts? =)
Sat, Apr 20 '13, 00:58
Sooo...found any good ideas,Luna? ^^
Sat, Apr 20 '13, 03:48
I'm always looking for ideas, since I run out so quickly DX
Sun, Apr 21 '13, 08:44
In our steady advancing engineered world will always be new ways of hypnosis ;)
May it be technology,brain injection,potions...
Sun, Apr 21 '13, 16:40
Anno1404 said:
In our steady advancing engineered world will always be new ways of hypnosis ;)
May it be technology,brain injection,potions...


(I actually went looking for a totally different rat mind control story than this when I read your post, but this just happened so it buried all the other search results)
Mon, Apr 22 '13, 07:01
Welcome to the 21st century^^
Welcome to China^^
Wed, Apr 24 '13, 23:29
I'm also wondering why by now there a no MC pics of Bioshock Infinite ó_ò
As Booker's powers become stronger and stronger...There could evolve some 'evil thoughts' what to do with Elizabeth *hawhaw* :D
Fri, Apr 26 '13, 05:20
Gravity- The power of falling objects such as dust, dripping water, ect. For a more direct approach try a sensual massage... with your imaginary 7 billion dollar gravity control machine. Yeah, we could use it as a warp drive or sex aid.

Markers- Funny drawing kind (is it design, is it ink, is it touch?). Markers is also a synonym for indicators, monuments. Could you hypnotize someone with the Lincoln memorial or paraphernalia? *Watch the hat watch the hat watch the hat...

Ultrasound- Basically you turn the air into a giant vibrator, with speakers. Or you could use the infrasound to stimulate areas of the brain. Which is the internet in Shadowrun.

Lasers- ...and catwomen. Or you can beam it into the eyes to create a controlled hallucination. Which is the internet in Neuromancer.

These are my light hearted funny thoughts.

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