Sun, Apr 07 '13, 20:34
Good Hypnosis Subs
Ive been having trouble finding decent subjects to practice various things on I keep getting 16 yearold girls who love HypnoRP(nothing against it) and thus not helping at all or some REALLY weird requests from some very very strange dudes is there any advice someone could give me for finding good subjects?

Or if your looking for a skilled Hypnotist hehe ^^
Sat, Apr 13 '13, 04:48
I don't see why you can't practice with the 16 year olds?
Sun, Apr 14 '13, 10:03
Stem_Cell said:
I don't see why you can't practice with the 16 year olds?


I hope ye' trollin'.
Mon, Apr 15 '13, 17:51
A hefty majority of the world has 16 (or under) as the legal age of consent. England for instance.

That said school finishes at 16 back in the UK too. So "still in school" is where I draw the line rather than a concrete age.

Heck, if I had let numbers vex me then my marriage wouldn't exist. Shadowednavi is 5 years younger than me and only managed to convince me to date her when she pointed out that if she were in England with me there wouldn't be an issue... and her parents didn't care... and we wouldn't "do" anything until she was legal in both countries just to be certain.
Tue, Apr 16 '13, 04:18
Yeah, I thought of that after I posted, but decided to keep my post due to the "who love HypnoRP(nothing against it) and thus not helping at all" part. :P
Wed, Apr 17 '13, 07:01
"Stem_Cell said:
I don't see why you can't practice with the 16 year olds?"

I guess i could im not hypnotizing them for any sexual reasons its the maturity level im seeking so far its been pretty hard to find subs does anyone have any resources that could help me?
Thu, Apr 18 '13, 06:30
My only suggestion would be to look around at some of the more community-based (as in not-really-for-porn) hypnosis sites. They're out there if you look.

But you're probably already doing that, so...
Thu, Apr 18 '13, 12:46
The problem here seems to be that most of the people who find and use sites like these are male, at least that's the impression I have.

For example, my better half barely knows English, and wouldn't be very interested in finding a site like this (having a "sub personality" implies she'll expect someone to come and find her, I guess... as opposed to "dom personality" where you want to be in control and hence you look out, I don't know).

And FWIW when I met her a few years ago she was just becoming 16. I haven't ever seen a problem with this, it's not toddler's age. And it's not like one is going to rape someone over Skype or something. -_-'
Fri, May 03 '13, 21:17
Stem_Cell said:
The problem here seems to be that most of the people who find and use sites like these are male, at least that's the impression I have.

For example, my better half barely knows English, and wouldn't be very interested in finding a site like this (having a "sub personality" implies she'll expect someone to come and find her, I guess... as opposed to "dom personality" where you want to be in control and hence you look out, I don't know).

And FWIW when I met her a few years ago she was just becoming 16. I haven't ever seen a problem with this, it's not toddler's age. And it's not like one is going to rape someone over Skype or something. -_-'

I'm female!
//Dances with pompoms
sorry, had to.
Fri, May 03 '13, 21:30
Lunakiri said:
I'm female!
//Dances with pompoms
sorry, had to.
Sat, May 04 '13, 02:26
Mindwipe said:
Lunakiri said:
I'm female!
//Dances with pompoms
sorry, had to.

I was wondering who would post a pic like that XD
Although I'm not that thin DX

Anyway, in all seriousness, Rainheart, I'd offer, but I doubt you'd be successful with me. Both with the hypno practice AND the maturity XDD
Sat, May 04 '13, 08:36
And thus a challenge was presented.
Sat, May 04 '13, 22:33
Lunakiri said:
I'm female!
//Dances with pompoms
sorry, had to.

And I'm sure I speak for all when I say we welcome you very much :)
Mon, May 06 '13, 08:29
I am more than willing to work with you love, you will be nice and easily in a trance in no time if your serious that is.

I never back down from a challenge

my Skype is professor_rainheart

give me an add and mention where you met me
Ie= hypnobooru

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