Tue, Apr 02 '13, 00:36
Assistance please!
Ok...a couple of things.

1) I just decided to make a hypnobooru account. Finally. :3
2) Due to do I post?!

3) And the major issue. I tried to create a manip that a guy on the Hypnopics Collective called Kilroy taught me to do called "TrancedOut".

I saved the instructions, but I feel I did something wrong.
What I'm saying is...can someone provide me some basic manipping knowledge? I can improvise...but I feel my talents are lackluster at best.

If someone can help, or knows what I am talking about with Kilroy...I'd appreciate it. ^^;

Thank you,
Tue, Apr 02 '13, 00:49
You mean, how do you post an image? On the "Posts" page, at the very bottom, is a link that says "Add". Go there to upload. Everything should be pretty straightforward from there. (Make sure you've read the rules, too.)

As for manip knowledge, that really depends on what you're manipping and what you're trying to do with it. There's some manip advice in this thread but I don't know if any of that helps with your specific project.
Tue, Apr 02 '13, 00:59
Generic infor is what I am looking for MW. :3
I am still...inexperienced when it comes to manips.
I can still make them though. :3

Anyways, thanks for the help! ^u^
Tue, Apr 02 '13, 01:47
Generic info? Well, all my manips are generally empty eyes stuff. I use the smudge tool in GIMP to make them. Just set the rate to 100 and smudge out any light spots by using the nearby areas. Then use lower rate settings to blend the smudge with the surrounding area. You can mend broken eye borders the same way, but sometimes the spot you mend will look lighter than the rest of the border. Use the burn tool anytime you need to darken something. It's difficult to explain all this without visual aids, or without going into step-by-step detail.

Then there's adding text, which is simple, really. Use a font that is pleasing to look at. Nothing boring, but nothing so stylized that it's difficult to make out. Make optimal use of your space for text. For example, don't create a large text space for two sentences in 12 point font. Usually, having more text than pic is a bad idea. Try not to put text over top of any characters in the pic, and don't let any of your text go outside of the visible image.

That last part's more advice than knowledge, but you know.

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