Sun, Mar 31 '13, 06:14
Disappointing stories with MC Themes?
So, I intend to go to the theatre to see Trance next week when it comes out in the US. The idea of Rosario Dawson as a hypnotherapist trying to pry secrets from a man's mind is a really appealing idea for a movie.

But then I thought about all the other shows I saw which had MC/Hypno themes that disappointed me in the past.

Like as much as I enjoyed watching Code Geass the mind control aspect never did anything for me during the entire show spare perhaps getting to see the maid blankly holding a phone at one point.

Has anyone else ever dived in to a series or movie with hopes of MC and come out pretty disillusioned.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 06:40
It's worse when you whatch a porn flick and the mind control aspect promised doesn't turn you on you at all.

But regarding "normal" movies, well, pretty much all of them failed me. For example, when I read about Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, I thought the movie might have something for my interests:

"Gideon's Microchip is a device seen only in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World as a mind control device used on Ramona to follow Gideon's commands whenever he's around [...] and keeps her docile [...] it gives Gideon almost full control of Ramona (A way to get inside her head as told by Ramona) [...] she is kept docile throughout her scenes with Gideon (She sat quietly only answering questions given to her by Gideon). She also could not do anything during Scott's fight with Gideon (When she first attempted to do so, she only grunted with struggle then touched the microchip before becoming docile again). Although the chip keeps her in check [...]"

(quotes from's_Microchip )

...but alas, no. It doesn't. The best you get is a scene of the (somewhat hot) girl showing a MC chip in the back of her head (which isn't too bad but it's a split second in the middle of a big TV-class movie).

I'm glad it was just a torrent/skim/meh/delete experience and not a trip to the cinema or something though.
Sun, Mar 31 '13, 23:49
Actually I liked that scene in Scott Pilgrim. I was watching the movie in the theatre with my wife and she had already likened Ramona to her OC Navi (the green haired one in a lot of hypnoart) and then that happened. She clamped a hand on my thigh and started whispering teasingly in my ear about how "uncomfortable" I must feel due to the surprise MC.

Alone I don't think it would have been memorable... but DAMN... that memory lives strong in my mind.

Same thing happened during the hypno-scene in Oz: The Great And Powerful.

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