Tue, Mar 26 '13, 01:00
I'm looking for hypno role play partners.
Greetings fellow mortals!

I know this is a weird place to post this, but hypnobooru is awesome and so are a lot of the people that go on it! Sure, some of you are freaks, but for the most part in the good way.

Most of my hypno art material is pixel art so I've never really felt comfortable uploading it here, still I love the site. So I thought i'd ask if anyone on here is interested in hypno themed role play and stuff. I'm into, you know, hypnosis. Mind control. Hypnosis and mind control. Brain fucking. Stuff like that.

If so, feel free to hit me up at emptygoddes(at)yahoo(dot)com, either by e-mail or on yahoo messenger. No, emptygoddes isn't spelled wrong. Well, it is, I just spelled it wrong back in the day.

Keep up the awesome work with the awesome manips and uploads and stuff.

Sun, Mar 31 '13, 06:27
Just wondering but shouldn't you say if you're [fe]male looking for [fe]male[s]?
Mon, Apr 01 '13, 02:46

This is the internet. I could be lying, and so could the other person. I'm into male female and female female stuff myself. Not any male male stuff, but that's just because it doesn't particularly turn me on. I don't really care what the gender of the other rper is.
Wed, Apr 03 '13, 02:03
Fair enough point.

Even if I'm not on it (mostly due to lack of time), I wish you good luck! :)

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