Wed, Sep 19 '12, 10:18
Hey guys
I wanted to say feel free to put anything from my gallery at hypnopics up here that you want but then I saw this in the rules:

- Text thrown on top of unmodified pics where it looks like someone just threw a story on top of a random pic.
(also the spelling and grammar rule counts me out too)

...which means my work shouldn't be here at all :)

But seriously, if you do put anything by me up here (way cool with the fact some of my work is already up) please give me credit. I think everyone that does this stuff wants the community to know who it is by.

Rock on gang, and keep up the great work.
Thu, Sep 20 '12, 01:08
A note here: Vanndril and I recently decided that we could go a bit easier on photo manips, since it's so much harder to make them than drawn image manips. I don't know if this applies to you, specifically, but I wanted to state it (we may need to update the rules to reflect this). Basically, for photo manips, we may allow unmodified images so long as the text fits the pic. For drawn images, our rules remain the same. (And your grammar seems fine in your post. I don't see where that would be an issue.)

Also, and I'm sure this goes without saying, if you (or any other artists or manippers out there) see any of your own work here, please tag it with your name if no one else has done so. I've had to tag a good number of my own manips here (and even some sleepymaid pics, which absolutely baffled me). I think it's pretty common, especially with manips, to simply save images and forget where you found them or who made them.
Thu, Sep 20 '12, 05:21
Thanks mindwipe, I'll try to find some time to help out with tags.

I was half joking about my spelling and grammar by the way. GIMP doesn't have the squiggly red "you fucked this up" line so MANY of my pieces are rife with language failures.

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