Thu, Feb 28 '13, 00:56
Community Story Interest Check
So, I had an idea, but I wanted to know if you all were interested before I went along and did this.
[Actually, I"m going to do it regardless, but if there's no enough interest here, it'll be a personal project XD]

So, since it seemed like the previous community story [] was over all loved, I was thinking...

I need to improve drawing pictures that are in a sequence. NOTE NOT COMIC. Just that you can look at 1 after anther get an idea for a story.

So, I was thinking, would anyone be interested in doing that? If I were to do up an original pic + come up with the first little bit, would anyone be interested? It would most likely lead into something that would be far longer, and hopefully more in depth, than the previous one.

I 'unno, twas just a thought.
Lemme know if you guys think I should do it though =)

//already has a story basis in mind XD
Thu, Feb 28 '13, 01:13
So, like... you'll upload a picture and the first piece of story, then someone else will continue the story, and you'll draw a pic for the next bit? Or the next person who continues the story will draw their own pic?

Either way, I'd be up for that, though I can't promise my art will be great. XD
Thu, Feb 28 '13, 01:34
Vorp said:
So, like... you'll upload a picture and the first piece of story, then someone else will continue the story, and you'll draw a pic for the next bit? Or the next person who continues the story will draw their own pic?

I'm guessing the former as she said she was looking to improve her own drawing (and the latter would guarantee no one would participate).

I'm always on board for things like this, but I hope it gets more participation than the community story. Despite the apparent excitement for it, only 6 people posted, some only once, and it's gone ignored for 3 days. =/
Thu, Feb 28 '13, 01:49
Vorp :: I mean that I'll do up the original start.
Then as things are going, I'll work on the next bit. Think... chapters, I guess?

Wipe :: I know DX It sucks. That's why I was asking about interest. Because if there isn't enough.. then I won't bother.
Thu, Feb 28 '13, 03:15
Ah, alright. Yeah, I'd totally be up for this.

There ought to be enough interest to warrant this. At the very least, you'll have the same folks who contributed to the last one. And you could always advertise it on your DA account.

And thanks for reminding me about the community story. Might add a new part tonight... if I can figure out where to take the plot.
Thu, Feb 28 '13, 19:09
At the very least, you'll have the same folks who contributed to the last one.

This will likely include me. :P
Fri, Mar 01 '13, 04:50
I'm interested. It's just when I post I'd like to wait until two others post to moae sure it's not me and someone else running the story. But yeah, totally down with this.

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