Mon, Feb 18 '13, 22:04
Picture Day. Chatter thread
Chatter thread for that =)
And comments, or chatter, belong here.
Mon, Feb 18 '13, 23:34
Ooh, looks promising!

Is there any way to use italics in the forum, btw? I tried <i> and [i] but neither seem to work. :(
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 00:06
Vorp said:
Is there any way to use italics in the forum, btw? I tried <i> and [i] but neither seem to work. :(

As far as I can tell, bold [b] is the only one that works.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 00:36
That... really sucks DX
Oh well. We'll manage, I'm sure!
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 01:23
I guess I'm in on this now too. Let's hope I'm not too cliche. :P

Edit: Btw, do you want me to post a link to the story thread on the pic? Or you could do it if you'd rather.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 01:35
... I totally didn't even think of that. I'll go do that =)
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 04:34
I approve of this so far. :D

I hope I didn't ruin the direction of the story or add TOO much flashing. I figure there's only a few more questions to ask before the real fun begins.

This is turning out to be quite fun, Luna.


Lunakiri said:
She did have to wonder about the design on the backdrop though... a spiral? Really? Wasn't it normally clouds, or a bookcase, or something?

I see what you did there. :P
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 04:47
Lol Vann.
Yeah, I know. I had to do it XD

And hrm... Posting this here, and in my next post on the actual story.

I want to give others a chance for this! =D

Also, I'm thinking I might try and do something like this either weekly, or bi-weekly. Yay?

Tue, Feb 19 '13, 04:48
This is... pretty hot, you guys. Really.

I'm holding off on adding more so that those who haven't joined in yet get a chance to contribute, but man, this is turning out very nicely. We'll have to do this again. Even if we just pick some random pics in the gallery for it.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 04:59
Ah, sorry. I'll hold off for a while. This is really fun, though. :D
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 19:51
Decided to go ahead and add a little more, since no one else had yet. I hope I didn't make the cameraman sound like too much of a generic douchebag.

Looks like we just need to find a way for the cameraman to calm Adrian down and ease her back into a state of obedience and arousal. I tried to lay the groundwork for the cameraman making Adrian doubt herself. It's up to the next person to decide where to take it from here.
Tue, Feb 19 '13, 22:57
Alright, so I haven't added anything yet but I definitely want to I'm just not sure where I want to send this now. Originally I was going to send this story in a very different direction had I been the first to post my piece. Now, however, it seems like people are expecting this to go in a certain way. It seems as though I've just gotten into one of those moods where I keep waiting for the next person to put and addition to the story before I actually do anything. I know that's pretty lame of me, sorry I'll figure something out.

I just had some questions. Will we be doing this again? How long are these expected to go on? If we are doing these again how will we determine which images we do them for?
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 00:46
Lost, if you have something in mind still, feel free to see if you can throw a curve ball into the mix =D

Also, I have every intention of doing this again. And I'll do up more pics specifically FOR this if there's any interest.

We could, as Wipe said, also just take from the booru, and do it to a random image aswell.
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 01:36
Lost+Name said:
Originally I was going to send this story in a very different direction had I been the first to post my piece. Now, however, it seems like people are expecting this to go in a certain way.

That's part of the fun with projects like this. You can never be sure what ideas the other contributors will come up with, and sometimes you'll just have to roll with whatever the last person wrote. I see this as a good way to practice writing. Especially for someone like me, whose experience with hypnosis stories is limited to a few short text manips.

I just had some questions. Will we be doing this again? How long are these expected to go on? If we are doing these again how will we determine which images we do them for?

1.) Yes. Vanndril and I are behind this idea 100%, and we have every intention of making this a regular thing.
2.) That I don't know yet. Let's see how this one goes, and then we'll decide how long these should last.
3.) If we need to, we'll just pick images at semi-random from the booru. We'll make sure that the pics will allow for a maximum number of participants (this will likely mean not limiting it to particular fandoms or particular fetishes/sub-fetishes).
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 01:50
We could have someone who wants to take charge pick oh like 3 pics and we can just go and vote. Can we have a poll option on here? And another one on my 2 cents is that maybe we can make these stories last like 2 weeks or so. If people really want to make a story on your own in addition then go ahead. But I think 2 weeks is enough to get ideas down and out and have the story had a good length with a good ending. That and we can have 2 community driven stories a month and possibly share our own stories when the current one is over. And my concern with making it longer than 2 weeks is that then people feel obligated to write more to keep producing more content. If that happens then a story can be drawn out and usually that ends up doing more harm then good because if its good then all the focus is on that one thing and not letting new ideas spring forth. But hey it's an experiment. Lets enjoy this!
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 06:20
It's only been out a day, and already it bordered ending until Luna threw in a curveball. 2 weeks would likely be far too long. I'd rather cut it off a little early and get the next one up than have each one sit until it's obviously stagnant.

Of course, as to not overwhelm Luna, I'm all for using pics throughout a booru, too.

As for a vote? Not on-site we couldn't. But there ARE polling sites. However, doing this would be a little silly, considering how few actually read the forums. I'd say we just make a thread for pics that could have a good story and collect them. If people think something will make an epic community story, they can post a link to it there, and whoever is in charge of this (probably a few of us, like usual) will just pick out of that if they need inspiration.

I'm even tossing around the idea of making a simple site to collect all the completed stories on, if this ends up being a popular long-term thing.
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 07:18
Vann, I have a domain that I could host it all on, the stories that is.
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 07:50
I won't know what I'ma try to do till we see how this works out over some time anyway, but...

Do you mean domain, or host? :P
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 08:14
Domain. I pay for my own website.
Unless I'm getting the terms mixed...
Wed, Feb 20 '13, 18:50
Well When I was first thinking about it I thought a month. Then I thought of 2 weeks as I started and I am agreeing with you that two weeks is again too much time. Proabbly best just to stick with one story for some amount of time, probably heavily depending on this one, and just run with it.

Couldn't we also create a booru deviant account or some blog archive thing to keep track of this? Granted someone is going to have to do it but it is entirely possible. Or maybe have a thread dedicated in the sleepychan thing for these stories. Just tossing out more ideas.
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