Wed, Feb 13 '13, 01:03
How frequently do you visit Hypnobooru?
I'm just curious about how many times people check the site. I do it at least 5 times a day.
I try to check every hour or so. Although, sometimes I'll end up checking every ten minutes if I'm bored enough.

Yeah, I don't have much goin' on...
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 01:26
You don't wanna know. >.> <.< >.> <.<

(But do I even count?)
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 01:30
At least once a day. Usually to just view the forums, but sometimes I'll check if there's been any pictures posted recently that I might like.
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 01:37
Mindwipe said:
You don't wanna know. >.> <.< >.> <.<

(But do I even count?)

I think I have a pretty good idea about your visiting stats. Just earlier you made a tag correction to the manip I uploaded not minute after I uploaded it lol. You managed to make it before me! Thanks btw.
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 03:38
Once, maybe twice a day I'd wager.
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 04:29
depends on how bored I am. If it's a normal day, maybe once very hour or so. If I'm bored out of my skull I'll probably mess around with the tags and see what I get.
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 04:55
HypnoQuestionMark said:
At least once a day. Usually to just view the forums...

Wow, never thought I'd hear that. o.O

Lost+Name said:
Just earlier you made a tag correction to the manip I uploaded not minute after I uploaded it lol. You managed to make it before me! Thanks btw.

Np. Most of what I do here is obsessively tag images. It's a job that never gets done, though.
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 05:57
Generally 2-3 times per day. But that's with me being busy with college and all. It's usually double that during vacations.

Honestly, I see little point in checking every hour unless you want that up-to-the-second info on new posts. I find that even just three times per day covers most everything.

Still, glad to see people actually haunt this site constantly despite its low upload speeds. That bodes well for the future of the booru, as it means there is still strong interest.
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 08:58
Usually in the morning and the evening to check for anything new (posts, comments, forum.)
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 16:48
Constantly, really. It's in my rounds of check-up along with dA, Facebook, Tumblr and such. If I needed a number I'd go with 5 as well.
Wed, Feb 13 '13, 23:46
It's random as all hell. At least once a day, sometimes multiple times a day [2-5], sometimes several [6+]
Thu, Feb 14 '13, 00:40
I usually visit this site about 2 times a day. But I have been getting over a sickness so I'm lucky to be on at all.
Thu, Feb 14 '13, 07:37
Get well soon, fossilbrand.
Sun, Feb 17 '13, 03:27
A few times a day. More or less depending on when I can remember, but this site is bookmarked so I check it at least four or so times a day unless the tab's still open.
Sun, Feb 17 '13, 08:41
usually once a day; there's usually new stuff but never an overwhelming amount unless someone has done an artist dump.
Thu, Feb 21 '13, 04:41
I come here like once per week, mostly to check what new images there are, read a few posts (to see if there's something interesting or some reply to some post of mine)...

And I really don't know how you guys find the time to post here so often but thumbs up lol.
Thu, Feb 21 '13, 08:06
Stem_Cell said:
And I really don't know how you guys find the time to post here so often but thumbs up lol.

Sleep deprivation. <.<
Mon, Feb 25 '13, 14:14
I check it several times a day, though I mostly lurk.
Mon, Mar 11 '13, 11:52
Once a day, or a little less infrequently if I'm busy on any particular day.
Wed, Apr 10 '13, 21:19
2-3 times a day but I always forget to check forums >.<
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