Sun, Sep 09 '12, 18:54
Question regarding watermarks...
So according to the rules thread, watermarked images are (understandably) not allowed here. Just out of curiosity, though, are images with DA watermarks allowed? A sizeable chunk of Jimyru's images have them, and it would be remiss of us to not allow them simply because he opts to put a DA logo in the center.
Sun, Sep 09 '12, 20:38
The watermarks rule is in place because of our host. Unfortunately, it isn't 100% clear when it comes to this, but I believe DA watermarks are allowed. It says that watermarks placed by the artist are fine and that only watermarks from commercial sites are banned. I don't believe DA counts as a commercial site, and as far as I know, the artists DO place those themselves. I think that rule is just in place so that no one goes around posting images he got from a pay site, and causing our host to get bombarded with angry take down notices.

Short answer: I think DA watermarks are OK.
Sun, Sep 09 '12, 23:56
What Mindwipe said sounds about right to me, though I can't say for sure either.
It's a risk I'm willing to take, and judging by Mindwipe's answer, he is too.

We'll allow it and go from there.

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